Rabbit Housing
Do rabbits need shelter?
How do you house rabbits?

Can I keep my rabbit outside?
If you want to have your rabbit outside, ensure it is in the shade at all times; shelters are recommended but be sure that they stay dry as wet fur can also cause problems such as skin irritation, moldy litter boxes, etc.
Can I keep my rabbit inside?
Can a rabbit be kept at home?
Can I keep a rabbit in my garden?
Is it bad to keep a rabbit in a cage?
Should I leave a light on for my rabbit?
What type of nightlight should I use for my rabbit?
Factors that affect where and how you house your rabbit
If your rabbits are indoor house rabbits then they should be in a suitable environment with access to shelter and fresh hay, water, and vegetables every day – but there’s more! Outdoor house rabbits might need protection from predators such as foxes or hawks so make sure an enclosure meets these criteria too. If the rabbit has brown ear tips (like on their ears) then this may mean that they’re cold-blooded which means that they’ll require some extra care if kept outdoors during winter months when temperatures can drop below zero degrees Celsius.