Pigeon Food
What do pigeons eat?
On that note, pigeons consume a variety of things–including seeds, grains, and vegetables. The key to feeding your pigeon is variety; but the most important things to keep in mind are that too much of a good thing can be bad for them–especially during cold months when they need more protein-rich foods.
How do you know what pigeons should eat?

Some healthy foods for pigeons
Some unhealthy foods for pigeons
Macadamia nuts – when combined with birdseed mix it increases the risk of mold growth
Chocolate cake – because there is so much sugar it’s best avoided altogether no matter how well-wrapped it might seem from afar;
Peanut butter – if the peanuts are not roasted, or in some cases boiled for a few minutes to reduce the threat of bacteria
Melon with seeds inside- these pose an infection risk and can be fatal.
Peanut M&M’s – even though they have no nuts within them, their bright colors may signify that there is a dye used on them which could lead to illness from consumption;
Pecan pie – because it has so much sugar and fat
Canned water chestnuts- high levels of salt will cause your pigeon serious health complications over time.
Almonds (skin intact) – when combined with birdseed mix it increases bacterial growth. This is especially true if you’re using royal seed mix as well since that is often the case.